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[Rhizomatous] Begonia x 'Escargot'

Native range: Hybrid plant, not found in nature.

Known names: --

Hardiness: Best kept above 60°F

Mature Size: ~10" Tall, ~10" Wide

Light: Bright, indirect light, early morning sun

Water: Only water once the top 1" of the soil feels dry. Let water run through the pot. 

Soil: Fast draing, coarse indoor potting soil.

Dormancy Period: N/A

Pet-Safe: No

Plant Size: Grown in 4" pot, shipped semi bareroot. 


Minty green spiraled leaves with dark green margin. Very textured. Pale pink flowers. 

Rhizomatous Begonias can, and sould, be allowed to dry out slightly between watering. Best wide, shallow pots. 

Begonia x 'Escargot' {Rhizomatous} [4"]

SKU: 1781241707071
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