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[Rhizomatous] Begonioa staudii

Native range: Nigeria, Cameroon

Known names: N/A

Hardiness: Best kept above 60°F

Mature Size: ~10" Tall, ~12" Wide

Light: Early morning sun, dappled light, bright indirect light

Water: Water more often if soil is coarse

Soil: Standard potting soil with added pumice or perlite to increase drainage. 

Dormancy Period: N/A

Pet-Safe: No

Plant Size: Grown in 4" pot, shipped bare root.


Very crinkly rounded green leaves that tapers to a point. Green stem. Yellow two-petaled flowers. Benefits from having extra pumice or perlite in the soil mix.

Begonioa staudii {Rhizomatous} [4"]

SKU: 1714067303171
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