Ficus microcarpa
Native range: Wide range from China to Southeast Asia, to Oceana
Known names: Chinese Banyan, Malayan Banyan, Indian Laurel, Curtain fig, Gajumaru, Ginseng Ficus
Hardiness: USDA Zones 10a-12b (can take light, short frost.)
Mature Size: ~40' Tall, ~30' Wide (Much smaller indoors)
Light: 5 hours - full day sun
Water: Keep soil moist, can handle drought if grown outdoors.
Soil: Standard potting soil
Dormancy Period: Winter
Pet-Safe: No
Plant Size: grown in 4" pot, shipped semi bare root
Glossy obtuse leaves with a very thick trunk and exposed root flare.
Often mistaken for Ficus retusa, but F. retusa has rounded ovate leaves.
Ficus microcarpa [4"]
SKU: 1789678704171