Huernia zebrina
Native range: Southern Africa
Known names: Lifesaver Plant, Little Owl Eyes
Hardiness: Best kept above 60°F
Mature Size: ~4" Tall, ~15" Wide
Light: Morning sun - half day sun. Does not like hot afternoon sun. Dappled light works great.
Water: Only water once the top 1" of the soil feels dry. Let water run through the pot.
Soil: Fast draing, coarse indoor potting soil.
Dormancy Period: N/A
Pet-Safe: No
Plant Size: Grown in 4" pot, shipped semi-bare root
This specific species produces yellow/maroon striped waxy flowers with a maroon, circular center. Smells quite disgusting while in bloom (similar to rotting critters) so make sure you're prepared. Though this plant is mainly grown for their flowers, the stems are still fascinating and can still be a conversation piece even when not in bloom. Spikes on stem are soft. These can be found growing under shrubs in the wild so the ideal lighting for them would be dappled light for the entire day.
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SKU: 3760812049961
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