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All carnivorous plants are shipped semi-bare root. Roots will be wrapped in long fiber sphagnum to keep moisture. Pot size indicates the general size of the plant and what the plant was grown in prior to shipping. 

Please be vigilant with your local weather, please do not order when a blizzard or asphalt-melting heat wave is near. Orders can be made but please inform us to wait before shipping.

Carnivorous plants are quite a conversation piece. A lot could be said about them, sometimes too much could be said so let's keep this as simple as possible! 



These plants need LOTS of light; full sun for most of the temperate ones. Most of the issue we've encountered when helping people grow their carnivorous plant would be the lack of light. Yes, you can grow temperate carnivorous plants indoor...for a few days; unless you have a powerful grow light system. Keep in mind that different areas of the country/world will get more powerful sun than others so you know your location more than we do, if you live in Phoenix, Arizona I would only recommend morning sun during summer, if you live in Portland, Oregon I would say try for full sun from dawn until dusk. Sunlight is their best source for energy; far greater than feeding it insects. 

Tropical carnivorous plants do not need as much direct sun, but they will still desire and thrive with lots of it. When growing indoors try for a South-facing window, if you have none then try East, and then West. West-facing window can be a little too-harsh too-sudden during summer time though so see how your plant responds. No carnivorous plant thrives with North-facing windows. 




These plants LOVE water. It is important to know what your tap water source reads when it comes to their total dissolved solids count (T.D.S.). Too much mineral can cause death to your plant so when in doubt, go with distilled or reverse osmosis (R.O.) water. Find distilled water at your local market, R.O. water can be found at pet shops that specializes in salt water aquariums. Some cities are blessed with soft water and tap water can be used; cities such as Portland, Oregon and some surrounding cities. 


Tropical carnivorous plants will also love water except they don't need, or like, to sit in water. So instead of the water tray method, it is better to just top water their soil. 


Potting Media:


Whatever you do, don't use normal potting mix, these plants will fry. Go with 1/2 sphagnum peat moss and 1/2 pearlite for temperate plants, and long fiber sphagnum moss for tropical. Other people may have their own mix but I like to keep things simple. 

(Please don't attack me, Pinguicula folks.) 


We found that the easiest media to work with would be long fiber sphagnum moss. Sometimes we line the bottom of the pot with pearlite just to keep the sphagnum moss off the bottom to prevent clogging but that's just being extra. 


Winter Dormancy:


Winter dormancy is as important as water. Temperate carnivorous plants such as Sarracenia, Dionaea, certain Drosera, Darlingtonia will require winter dormancy of around 3 months with temperatures below 45°F, 7°C. They caaaaaaaan skip a year but it will be like us missing a night of sleep. You can achieve dormancy by putting your plants in the fridge during winter time for areas that do not experience cooler temperatures. 


Tropical carnivorous don't need winter dormancy but 'highland' plants do enjoy cooler weather. Tropical carnivorous plants will slow down their growth rate except for the winter-growing ones (lots of winter-growing Droseras)



Don't feed your plants human food, synthetic fertilizers, whatever it is you would feed non-carnivorous plants. Fertilizers will most-likely kill them. If they're outside they can catch their own food. If they're inside you can purchase crickets, catch houseflies, or any pest buzzing around and feed your plants. 

With Dionaea (Venus Fly Traps) make sure the food is small enough for the trap to close and seal up entirely.

With Drosera (Sundews) you can might have to find something that isn't as "kicky"; I have a friend that purchases Tubifex forms from pet shops to feed to his Droseras.



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