Aglaonema Jazzed Gems™ ‘Moonstone Miles’
Native range: Hybrid plant not found in nature.
Known names: Chinese Evergreen
Hardiness: Best kept above 60°F
Mature Size: ~3' tall, 2" wide
Light: Bright windowside corner, Morning sun, diffused light, dappled sun
Water: Keep soil moist, not soggy
Soil: Standard potting soil, add extra pumice, perlite, etc for extra drainage.
Dormancy Period: N/A
Pet-Safe: No
Plant Size: Grown in 4" pot
Pink stem, minty green leaves with speckles of various shades of green and yellow, light pink margin.
Aglaonema Jazzed Gems™ ‘Moonstone Miles’
SKU: 1630830427961