Chamaecereus luisramirezii
Native range: Argentina, Bolivia
Known names: N/A
Hardiness: Best kept above freezing
Mature Size: Each "finger" is ~8" long, can form a cluster
Light: Full sun, avoid hot afternoon sun. Dappled light, morning sun
Water: Let soil dry out for several days between watering. Keep dry during colder months.
Soil: Succulent mix.
Dormancy Period: N/A
Pet-Safe: No
Plant Size: Grown in 4" pot, shipped bare root.
Long, thin, trailing cactus with soft spines. Similar growth habit to the "Peanut Cactus" (Chamaecereus silvestrii) but is thinner and the flowers have more salmon coloration.
Non-toxic to pets but could cause physical injuries.
Chamaecereus luisramirezii [4"]
SKU: 2584045519071