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Coniogramme emeiensis 'Golden Zebra'

Native range: True form is native to China

Known names: Bamboo Fern

Hardiness: USDA Zone 7b - 9b

Mature Size: ~20" high, 24"+ spread

Light: Filtered sun, Early morning sun, Bright shade

Water: Keep soil moist

Soil: Standard potting mix, standard garden mix

Dormancy Period: Winter

Pet-Safe: Yes

Plant Size: Grown in 5" pot, shipped semi-bare-root


This is a stunning form of Bamboo Fern originating from mount Emei (Omei) in China. Mature fronds will grow to about 24" long but arching. Features bright yellow highlight dashes evenly spaced on each frond. Does alright as houseplants but prefers cooler, well ventilated locations. Evergreen in warmer climates.

Coniogramme emeiensis 'Golden Zebra' [4"]

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