Crassula muscosa
Native range: South Africa
Known names: Watch Chain, Rattail Crassula, Zipper Plant, Lizard's Tail
Hardiness: Down to 30°F, heat tolerant
Mature Size: 1' Tall, creeping plant.
Light: Full sun, very bright half day sun, dappled light all day
Water: Drought tolerant, water when soil is dry.
Soil: Succulent mix
Dormancy Period: Winter
Pet-Safe: No
Plant Size: 2.5" pot
Long whips of tightly held leaves around a thin stem in an arrangement that looks square if viewed from above. Bushy form, can start rooting into other pots if allowed to bend over into other pots. Tight yellow flowers dotting up vertically in summer. Crassula muscosa almost looks aquatic...I will root into every pot it touches in a non-invasive way.
Crassula muscosa [2.5"]
SKU: 9713745635171