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Crassula ovata 'Sunset Hobbit'

Native range: Original form South Africa

Known names: Shrek's Ear Plant, Gollum Jade, Jade Plant

Hardiness: Minimum 25°F

Mature Size: 2-3' Tall, 2-3' Wide

Light: Full Sun, Half day sun, protect from desert sun.

Water: Water when soil is dry, drought tolerant

Soil: Fast-draining succulent mix

Dormancy Period: Winter

Pet-Safe: No

Plant Size: Grown in 4" pot, shipped semi bare root.


This cultivar produces variegated "Shrek ear" shaped leaves. C. 'Sunset Hobbit' is as easy as most other Jades. The tubular leaves that has red, yellow and orange tint in times of stress (hot or cold). This cultivar has a similar shape to 'Hobbit' with the color of 'Hummel's Sunset'.

Crassula ovata 'Sunset Hobbit' [4"]

SKU: 9434697519071
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