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Fittonia albivenis 'Jugle Flame'

Native range: Rainforests of northern South America

Known names: Nerve Plant, Jewel Plant, Silver Nerve, Mosaic Plant, Silver Threads

Hardiness: Best kept above 55°F

Mature Size: ~6" Tall, spreads outward.

Light: Bright INDIRECT - Lower light, best to avoid direct sunlight.

Water: Keep soil moist, not soggy.

Soil: Standard potting soil, water-retaining potting mix.

Dormancy Period: N/A

Pet-Safe: Yes

Plant Size: Grown in 4" Pot, shipped semi bare root


'Jungle Flame' exhibits dark green, more-rippled-and-narrow than standard leaves with very bold red veining that almost consumes the entire leaf. Dark green margin along the leaves. 

This plant requires constantly moist soil to be happy. Foliage can wilt if the soil dries out but will perk right back up when given a dousing of water! Direct sunlight can wash colors out. Flower structure resembles The Small Wild Goose Pagoda in Xi'an, China!

Fittonia albivenis 'Jugle Flame' [4"]

SKU: 9683276166271
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