Haworthia cooperi
Native range: South Africa
Known names: Window Haworthia, Jellybean Succulent
Hardiness: Down to 30°F, heat tolerant
Mature Size: 3" tall, 5" wide- wider with age.
Light: Bright indirect light, morning sun. Direct hot sun can burn the plant.
Water: Drought tolerant, water when soil is dry.
Soil: Succulent mix
Dormancy Period: Winter
Pet-Safe: Yes
Plant Size: 2.5" pot
Haworthia cooperi is quite majestic-looking; almost mesmerizing when light passes through the "windows". This succulent can't stand full sun though since in the wild they're found almost completely covered by dirt. Fight the urge to pop their jellybean-looking leaves!!!
Haworthia cooperi [2.5"]