Hoya cumingiana
Native range: The Philippines
Known names: Wax Flower, Wax Vine
Hardiness: Best kept above 60°F
Mature Size: ~4'+ vine
Light: Morning sun, half day sun.
Water: Water once leaves shows sign of wrinkling.
Soil: Coarse, woody soil mix (epiphytic mix)
Dormancy Period: N/A
Pet-Safe: Yes
Plant Size: Grown in 4" pot, shipped semi bareroot.
Epiphytic plant. Oval green leaves growing in a semi compact habit.
Yellow star shaped flowers with maroon star shaped corona. "Spicy, fruity cake scented flowers"
Hoyas can go years without flowering and will flower once they dfeel settled down and the conditions are right. Try to not keep soil mix too wet for too long.
Hoya cumingiana [4"]
SKU: 8720629113171