Hoya pubicalyx 'Speckled'
Native range: The Philippines
Known names: Wax Plant, Porcelain Flower
Hardiness: Best kept above 50°F
Mature Size: 10'+ vine
Light: Bright indirect light, morning sun
Water: Let soil dry out between watering, they prefer it more dry than wet but still enjoy humidity.
Soil: Standard potting mix, add in wood chips and pumice for extra drainage.
Dormancy Period: Winter
Pet-Safe: Yes
Plant Size: Grown in 4" pot, shipped semi-bare-root
Relatively fast-growing (compared to other Hoyas), silver flecks on leaves, cherry-red flower cluster with time! Hoyas don't always flower but when they do it's well worth the wait!
Hoya pubicalyx 'Speckled'