Nematanthus sp.
Native range: Brazil
Known names: Goldfish Plant
Hardiness: Best kept above 60°F.
Mature Size: Vining plant
Light: Morning sun is beneficial, keep in bright light. Afternoon sun can burn plant.
Water: Let soil dry out a little bit before watering.
Soil: Standard potting mix
Dormancy Period: N/A
Pet-Safe: Yes
Plant Size: 2.5" Pot
Goldfish plant! This plant produces flowers that resembles orange goldfish. More flowers with more light. Glossy leaves almost looks fake. Nematanthus are epiphytes in their natural habitat so they naturally grow hanging down and are best planted in hanging baskets or at least a taller pot. Flowers almost year round after established.
Nematanthus sp. "Goldfish Plant" [2.5"]