Peperomia caperata 'Frost'
Native range: Brazil
Known names: Peperomia caperata 'Silver Frost'
Hardiness: Best if kept above 60°F / 15°C
Mature Size: ~12" tall x ~12" wide
Light: Morning sun, dappled light, diffused window light
Water: Keep soil moist, not wet. Slightly dryer with less light.
Soil: Standard potting soil
Dormancy Period: Winter
Pet-Safe: Yes
Plant Size: Grown in 4" pot
Round, silver, rubbery leaves on pinkish stem. Leaves don't produce wrinkles as you would find on many other Peperomia caperata. Long mouse tail-like flowers in summer. Clean out dead leaves to prevent fungus.
Peperomia caperata 'Frost' [4"]
SKU: 5727074137961