Philodendron holtonianum
Native range: Ecuador
Known names: N/A
Hardiness: Keep above 50°F
Mature Size: ~3' Tall, ~4' Wide (Much smaller indoors)
Light: Morning sun, dappled light, half day sun
Water: Water more with coarse mix, less with standard potting soil
Soil: Standard potting soil, Soil with added wood chips, pumice/perlite.
Dormancy Period: N/A
Pet-Safe: No
Plant Size: grown in 4" pot, shipped semi bare root
Glossy, dark green single lobed, linear leaves at a young age growing into a trilobed beast with leaves reaching over 2' long. This Philodendron requires a pole to climb on in order to produce
Philodendron holtonianum [4"]
SKU: 4259638774171