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Pilea involucrata 'Norfolk'

Native range: Central and South America

Known names: Pilea ovalis 'Norfolk, Friendship Plant

Hardiness: Best above 60°F, thrives indoors. 

Mature Size: ~12" tall, ~8" wide 

Light: Medium / Bright Shade. Bright direct light will wash out leaf pattern. 

Water: Medium. Soil can dry out slightly but best kept moist.

Soil: Fast-draining, holds moisture well but fast-draining. Add extra pumice or pearlite into potting mix. 

Dormancy Period: N/A

Pet-Safe: Yes

Plant Size: 2" pot


This pilea is quite easy to grow, even with some neglect. Leaves are dark and coppery with streaks of silver running length-wise. Great for terrariums 

Pilea involucrata 'Norfolk' [2.5"]

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