Rebutia heliosa
Native range: Southern Bolivia
Known names: Aylostera heliosa
Hardiness: Can go below freezing as long as the soil is dry.
Mature Size: ~5" tall, ~7" wide
Light: Bright indirect light - full sun
Water: Drought tolerant, water when soil is dry.
Soil: Succulent mix
Dormancy Period: Winter
Pet-Safe: No
Plant Size: 2.5" pot
Rebutia heliosa might be one of my top 3 cactus. Even though it has spines it is still safe to the touch, almost feels rubbery. This cactus shrinks down during winter time and flowers in spring, putting on a display of BRIGHT orange flowers that nearly covers the entire plant. Don't over water especially in winter! Relatively slow-growing.
Rebutia heliosa [2.5"]