Tradescantia spathacea 'Tricolor'
Native range: Belize, Guatemala
Known names: Rhoeo discolor, Rheo spathacea, Moses-In-The-Cradle
Hardiness: Best kept above freezing, will lose leaves if frozen
Mature Size: ~1.5' tall, ~2' wide
Light: Sun - Shade
Water: Let soil dry out a slightly between watering
Soil: Standard potting mix
Dormancy Period: N/A
Pet-Safe: No
Plant Size: 4" pot, shipped semi bare root
Do not plant in ground!
This vibrant plant is great as a container plant. Purple underside. Very adaptive to various growing condition. Variegation level will vary with each plant but every plant is equally flashy.
Tradescantia spathacea 'Tricolor' [4"]
SKU: 4055291736961