Xerosicyos danguyi
Native range: West and Southwest Madagascar
Known names: Silver Dollar Plant, Silver Dollar Vine
Hardiness: Best above 50°F
Mature Size: Long vine-forming plant. Leaves are 1"-2" long.
Light: 6+hours of sun - full sun.
Water: Water to prevent leaves from shrivling in winter. Deep soak twice a month during summer. Water sparingly during spring and autumn.
Soil: Fast-draining, "succulent mix"
Dormancy Period: N/A
Pet-Safe: Yes
Plant Size: Grown in 4" pots, shipped semi bare root.
Thick, round green-to-silver leaves on round green stems. Climbing plant. Seed-grown plant will produce a caudex, cuttings wont (we have cuttings). Dioecious (a plant will either be male or female). This is a cousin to cucumbers.
Xerosicyos danguyi (Silver Dollar Plant) [4"]
SKU: 2730015083071